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Ritual Herbal Blend

Ritual Herbal Blend

This blend of handpicked foraged and organically grown flowers and herbs makes a sensual dreamy mix to help you relax, and clear your thoughts and energy. Using it as facial steam opens your pores and sends them medicinal floral notes to deepen your self-care. In a yoni steam, the blend connects you to the divine feminine and brings you into your power of grace. Smoking brings in a dreamy vibe of bliss connecting with the beauty of nature.

  • Usage:

    In a DIY facial steam:

    Items needed- towel, boiling water, cup:

    Take a half teaspoon of the blend to a boiling cup. Lean over the cup and place the towel over your head creating a tent that holds in the steam directing it towards your exposed skin and face. Stay for as long as you want as you treat yourself to this moment of luxury honoring your body, your skin, you’re your connection to the bountiful nature.


    In a Diy yoni steam:

    Items needed- pot, boiling water, towel, and cushion.

    Take a tablespoon of the blend to a liter of boiling water. set up the pot and the cushion so you can comfortably squat or sit on folded kneed over the pot. Place the towel on top of your lap to direct the steam to your exposed yoni.  Take your time in this position enjoying the new sensation, cleansing and honoring your sacred parts. 


    In a tea, you may take half a teaspoon to a cup of boiling water, let it steep and enjoy.


    For smoking, you may roll in organic paper or a pipe for best results.

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